
Not sure about the meaning of a term or acronym? Consult this glossary:

ACCAdministrative Campus Center
ADCAcademic Deans Committee
BFACBusiness and Financial Affairs Committee
CACConsortial Advancement Committee
CINEClaremont Intercampus Networking Effort
CommunicationsCommunications Officers Committee
EPCEmergency Preparedness Committee
FMCFacilities Managers Committee. A subcommittee of BFAC.
HRCHuman Resources Committee. A subcommittee of BFAC.
IACCIntercollegiate Academic Computing Committee (an ITOC)
IAMIdentity and Access Management (also an ITOC)
IdMIdentity Management
InitiativeA portfolio of one or more specific programs or projects undertaken to achieve specific objectives.
ITCInformation Technology Committee (disbanded with its current tactical responsibilities to be transferred to the OGs)
ITLIT Leaders (an ITOC)
ITOCIT Operations Committee. Subcommittees of ITSC responsible for ensuring the technical delivery of services by TCC IT and other providers of consortium-wide IT services.
ITSCIT Steering Committee. Provides strategic direction and executive oversight for all consortium-wide shared IT services.
ITSMIT Service Management (also an ITOC)
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
NetworkingData and Communications Networking Committee (an ITOC)
ProgramLinked to a strategic initiative, a program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside scope of the discrete projects in the program.
ProjectAn effort with a definite beginning and end to create a unique product, service, or result. A project may be part of a program or portfolio and ends once the objective has been achieved or upon termination.
SDCStudent Deans Committee
TCC ITTCC IT Shared Services. IT services provider within TCCS which provides a set of IT services used consortium-wide.
TCCS ITInternal IT services provider for TCCS.
Work GroupA group of people collaborating on a project that requires their particular expertise or time.